
When you love what you do, you want to share it! Christine Weiderman, owner of Earth and Sky, loves to create beautiful gardens and landscapes, so owning a garden center to help others do the same seemed a logical move. Earth and Sky strives to maintain quality products and unique gifts. Check it out the next time you're looking for something special.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A Fresh Start

It took you long enough to get here, Spring!  
Easter weekend was very productive at Earth & Sky!  Family and friends gathered and helped prepare for our spring opening on April 4th.  And now, here it is, April 4th and it is a glorious and sunny day!  As the season goes on, we'll have more annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees, and bushes to choose from, as well as plenty of gifts inside.  It was a long strange winter, so we're ready to get out there and get planting!
Something is missing...